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You can't travel the world without a passport!

So, that means that we need you to get one as soon as possible. Passports can take several weeks to arrive, so you want to be sure to apply for one as soon as possible. If you are unsure that it will arrive on time, then please look into having it expedited (there is an additional fee for this service). 

To apply for a passport:

1)   You can apply for one at your local passport service provider (if you have
2)   You can apply for one at your local post office.
3)   You can visit

Once you have received your passport, or if you already have one, then you will need to upload your passport information onto your Personal Profile Page under the "My Mobilization" tab, and then under the "Documents" tab. Be sure that you enter in all the information that we ask for, as well as upload a copy of your picture part of your passport onto your Personal Profile Page.

This is a very important part of your Passport preparation and trip. Without this information, we cannot launch you onto the field. Please be responsible and have this information available by the deadlines that we set.

Now that you have your passport, be sure that it is good for at least 6 months after your trip ends. (Ex: Your trip ends on December 13th, 2012, then you need to be sure that your passport's expiration is June 13th, 2013)


If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call or email us.