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Trip Arrival!!

Dear Amazing World-Changers, Can you believe the time has finally come to leave? This is going to be absolutely incredible Summer semester and I’m so excited to hear all of your stories! This … Read more about Trip Arrival!!

Travel To Camp

Hey guys!   Before you leave for your countries, you will spend a few days going through training! Training Camp begins the first day that your trip is scheduled. You are responsible to cover … Read more about Travel To Camp


VISA Card We highly recommend you carry a VISA debit card attached to a personal checking account as you travel around the world. In our experience this is the most reliable way to get … Read more about Money


Say "CHEESE"! We are excited that you are going to embark on this journey! And we can't wait to meet you! But one thing that helps us remember you and know you better … Read more about Pictures


Passports... You can't travel the world without a passport! So, that means that we need you to get one as soon as possible. Passports can take several weeks to … Read more about Passports